Eyebrows are considered a medium of expression; they help to give the face a prominent shape and also protect our eyes from dirt. So, eyebrows are definitely important, and moreover, thick and beautifully shaped eyebrows are rare to find; not everyone has thick and beautiful eyebrows, but everyone does crave them. But why are women nowadays so attracted to perfectly shaped eyebrows? Well, the answer is simple: perfectly shaped eyebrows help you give a naturally beautiful look, so you don’t need to invest much time in extra makeup and save your time, as we are all so busy and want to save our time as much as possible. Also, perfectly shaped eyebrows give you an eye lift effect, which makes your face look sharp. So, to get perfectly shaped eyebrows, we often opt for drawing our eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil every day, which takes so much time and makes us late for work or wherever we are going. So, how can you save your time permanently and give yourself perfect eyebrows? Well, eEpiderma Cosmetology & Laser Clinic have a way to do that, and that is “permanent eyebrow makeup”.
Permanent eyebrow makeup is a process that gives a cosmetic effect through a pigment tattooed on the skin’s surface.
It is done through a process called microblading. It uses tiny needles to put the pigment on the skin to create the effect of natural hair on the eyebrows and make them look perfect and full. It gives individual strokes of hair into the eyebrows with the device to shape them the way you wanted them to be. Before the treatment, it is important to consult with your doctor and inform them about the way you want to style your eyebrows. A local anesthetic is applied to the treated area before the treatment.
The procedure takes an hour to complete approximately.
The process is totally safe and doesn’t cause any damage to the skin if done by a certified doctor.
After the treatment, you might experience:
1. Redness
2. Swelling
3. Your eyebrows may look dark.
4. It can give an itchiness sensation.
But the above problems are temporary and will heal over time.
After the procedure, you will notice that your eyebrows are looking full and dense. After some days, you might get certain side effects like redness or itchiness, or it might feel like your eyebrow skin is peeling off; this is completely normal, but it is advised that you not touch or rub your eyebrows too much. After 8 days, your deep color starts to fade and get back to its natural color, giving you the perfect and natural eyebrows that you wished for.
Yes, the results can last for up to 2 years, but they may fade after that, so a touch-up is required to give the eyebrows a new and sharp effect again.
You don’t need to do many things, but it is required to not apply water to the eyebrow areas for at least 3 days.
Microblading is suitable for those who have thin hair and want to give themselves thick, natural eyebrows. But it is probably not for everyone let’s looking at the conditions:
If you have these following problems, then you probably should not do the treatment:
1. If you have eczema in the eyebrows,
2. If you have moles or warts in the eyebrow area, it is advised to avoid the procedure.
3. If you have a sun tan on the eyebrow area, you should wait for the tan to remove. Before doing the microblading procedure,
4. If you are having acne problems or have pimples on the eyebrow area, you are advised to wait until the acne has disappeared before doing the microblading technique, as it can cause damage to the skin.
In conclusion, permanent eyebrow makeup is a perfect way to shape not only your eyebrows but also your face. It’s a great way to make your everyday easier by not investing much time on doing makeup or drawing them. And the best part is that it’s totally natural and doesn’t look fake at all, as no one will be able to understand your secret behind perfect eyebrows! What’s better than that? Therefore, it is a great as well as safest technique to achieve a perfect look.