Medical tourism

Laser Skin Resurfacing

laser skin resurfacing treatment

Laser skin resurfacing is a facial treatment that is used to rejuvenate the skin by using a laser. It’s a great way to achieve flawless, clear skin easily and give yourself a new, youthful look.

What are the advantages you can see in laser skin resurfacing treatment?

1. It helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots on the skin.
2. It helps to remove skin tan.
3. It helps to tighten the skin and produce new cells.
4. Removes acne scars and accidental scars.

Why is it needed to do this treatment?

Well, people nowadays are extremely busy with their lives and always ignore the self-care they need. And that results in acne, wrinkles and too much sun exposure which results in skin tan and makes your skin Looks dull. Therefore, laser skin resurfacing is much needed to give yourself the glow up you needed.

How does laser skin resurfacing work?

Laser skin resurfacing is done with the Alma Q switch laser. It uses an ablative type laser where a beam of light is pointed at your skin, helping to remove the damaged area of the skin and improve the texture of the skin. The laser also helps to grow the collagen of the skin, which gives the skin a tighter look.
Other than the Q-switch technique, the treatment also includes:

1. Co2 lasers: This helps to improve laxity of the skin such as protects the skin from aging.
2. Erbium laser resurfacing: This type of laser is more suitable for people with dark skin. It helps to remove deep lines and wrinkles on the face.
3. Fractional CO2 laser: This laser provides laser energy lightly into the skin and makes the collagen of the skin tight. It has fewer chances of injury. But the laser is pointed deeply into the skin, which can result in scars.

How much time does the whole procedure take?

The whole treatment takes at least 30 minutes.

Are the results permanent?

To get a permanent result, you need to do at least 5-6 sessions, after which you can notice the tightening of the skin cells, which will give you the perfect youthful look.

Are there any risks included?

Laser skin resurfacing can cause side effects and that includes:
1. Redness and itching into the skin.
2. Acne problems if not taken proper care of the skin after the treatment.
3. It can also lead to virus and fungus infections.
4. You might face a change in skin color due to the laser, as it affects the melanin of the skin. It mostly happens to dark complexion people. Therefore, it is advised to consult   the doctor before the treatment.
It can also cause scarring under the skin.

What changes might you see instantly after the treatment?

After the treatment, your skin might look dry and dull and can cause redness and irritation to the skin. Blistering might appear on the skin, but it is just for a temporary period of time. Therefore, it is advised not to pick at the skin too much as it can lead to an infection. After 5–6 sessions of this treatment, you can notice the difference in the skin, which has the appearance of new skin that may appear pink at first.

Is the treatment suitable for everyone?

Unfortunately, No the laser skin resurfacing isn’t for everyone. Therefore, people with the following problems should avoid this treatment:
1. People who have acne problems and are on medication should avoid.
2. Not having a good immune system.
3. If one has already done radiation therapy, one should avoid this.
4. People with dark skin complexions and tanned skin should avoid.
5. Pregnant women must avoid.
People with keloid scars should also avoid. (Keloid scars are scars that occur from skin damage, like acne spots, and spread around the skin.

What aftercare do you need to take after the treatment?

You need to apply face wash, sunscreen, moisturizer, and night cream after the treatment as per the advice of the doctor.

The only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself, which can be related to how you look. Sometimes that is completely okay. If you feel like giving yourself a young and fresh look, Remember, it’s never too late, and choose laser skin resurfacing to rejuvenate your skin only at eEpiderma cosmetology and laser clinic

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